Who needs a gap year when you can find yourself without leaving the UK?On the brink of Brexit, Visit Britain wanted to use Digital OOH across the UK to inspire Millennials to take microgaps in the UK.
A Microgap is a mini adventure to experience new places, new ideas and make new connections – without taking a whole gap year.
The idea: Find yourself without even leaving the UK. The creative direction was to highlight great experiences (not just destinations), some unexpected places that were close to home and their potential for being a mini finding-yourself gap.
Copywriting was about inspiring action and conjuring up potential, e.g. "Feed your soul" and "Abandon the routine". The idea of the yellow bands coming together was to create a visual 'window' metaphor for the microgap.
A Microgap is a mini adventure to experience new places, new ideas and make new connections – without taking a whole gap year.
The idea: Find yourself without even leaving the UK. The creative direction was to highlight great experiences (not just destinations), some unexpected places that were close to home and their potential for being a mini finding-yourself gap.
Copywriting was about inspiring action and conjuring up potential, e.g. "Feed your soul" and "Abandon the routine". The idea of the yellow bands coming together was to create a visual 'window' metaphor for the microgap.